Instant help in the Nordic waters!
Sail safely and benefit from our services when visiting Swedish, Norwegian , Danish or Finnish waters.
Sjöassistans is offering foreign boating visitors the boat-owner service and peace of mind when sailing in all Nordic waters.
We are the leading supplier of maritime service and support to the boating-community in the Nordic. We have provide our service since 1999 and handle more than 20.000 calls from boat owners every year.

As a member of Sjöassistans you are free to use our service as often as you wish or need. We know that a lot can happen while you are at sea. A broken impeller, a rope in the prop, a busted throttle-wire, out of petrol, batteries gone flat, engine overheats, just to mention a few of the most common problems. If you run into a problem like that, assistance is only a cellphone call away, 24 hours a day 7 days a week!
The cost for this service is under normal circumstances covered to 100 % by the insurance which is included in the membership fee. Hence, you no longer need to worry about the costs or how to solve the problem.
The main components of the insurance are:
- Towing/salvage to the nearest shipyard, maximum cost SEK 10.000,-
- Transport of petrol, spare-parts or divers etc, maximum cost SEK 3000,-
- Cost for travel back home if your boat suffers a major problem, maximum SEK 6000,-
The direct cost for the service given by the mechanic or diver, and for petrol and spare-parts is not covered by the insurance.
In addition to this we can also assist with advice and consultation on various subjects such as weather forecasts, opening hours of bridges or locks, where to eat or anchor and much more. Advice and consultation are free of charge.
N.B. contact with Sjöassistans is only available in Swedish or english language.
Price per year for Sjöassistans to foreign visitors from 699 SEK / year.
Service provided in and around the full cost of Sweden:
In Sweden we have more than 600 local skippers ready to serve you with all our services and towing to the best shipyard if its needed. We organise everything in one call, 24×7 all year.
Norway, Denmark and Finland:
We provide you with remote support including motor assistans. More than 50% of all cases are related to problems with engines. Our excellent motor experts solve more than 50% of all cases over a videophone service enabling you to continue your trip and save the hassle of spending time at a shipyard. The membership also cover your expenses for towing or other services that you may get when solving your problem.
To order: Please fill in the form below and we will expedite your order and payment.
If you have any direct question, please don’t hesitate to contact us on: [email protected] or call us on: +46(8)506 622 00