How does it work
In Sweden Sjöassistans has developed a network of approximately 600 service-boats which together with a number of shipyards are ready to assist you when called upon. Depending on your location and the specific type of assistance you require, a suitable unit is identified and alerted. The problem is in many cases solved at your location, or else you will get towed to a shipyard or to your Swedish home port, whichever is closest.
Should you encounter problems in our neighbouring countries, you would have to arrange the assistance yourself. But, your Sjöassistans membership would cover the cost for the assistance up to SEK 10.000.
It is imperative you understand that Sjöassistans is not a Search and Rescue service. The purpose of Sjöassistans is to render a helping hand, if and when you encounter onboard problems which renders your boat unserviceable but not serious enough for declaring an emergency or distress situation.
N.B. contact with Sjöassistans is only available in Swedish or english language.